The NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel approved 13 of the 14 changes recommended in April by the college wrestling rules committee. Several of these changes are landscape-altering to the sport of wrestling. I have highlighted below the rules that I believe will be the most impactful next season.

In the most sweeping changes in decades, takedowns are now worth 3 points instead of the traditional 2 points. I’m not sure that yelling “Three!” will have the same ring to it as the hallmark “TWO!”. The rule is intended to create more action and scoring from the neutral position. This is the one rule change that I don’t agree with, as I think it will cause wrestlers to be even more cautious on their feet. Hopefully, time will prove me wrong.

The re-addition of the 3 point near fall. Wrestlers will now be able to earn 2, 3, or 4 points of near fall for 2, 3, or 4 second counts respectively. This rule, I love. In my opinion, the hardest thing to accomplish against a high level wrestler is to put them on their back. Putting a wrestler on their back should be rewarded generously.

The Oversight Panel changed the wording of the rule requiring a wrestler “ to aggressively work to break down their opponent” by adding the requirement that they must also “ work for near fall or a pin”. Another great rule change. Riding on top is much more difficult when you have to come off the hips and work for near fall. This rule should create more flurries on the mat and result in more spurts of neutral wrestling. In addition to this change, the Panel also expanded the 5 second count to include any situation in which top wrestler grasps the ankle of the bottom wrestler. This expansion should also create more opportunities to create escapes and reversals.


The last major rule change is the elimination of the hand touch takedown. This was changed because the rules committee and the Oversight Panel believes that the element of control is an essential element of folkstyle wrestling and they wanted a single criteria for takedowns. This is an excellent analysis of why the hand touch takedown should have been eliminated.

Overall, the rules changes should create more action and more scoring without manipulating or destroying the spirit of the sport. In my opinion, these rules changes will positively impact the sport of wrestling and accelerate its growth.

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